It’s been a while since the last update, but due to illness in the family it’s been a very busy time.

The good news is that the drawings and the story writing have continued at a pace, so much so that there are now three Bea and Grandy books finished, with another currently still on the drawing board!

The first book finished, printed and available to buy is:

Hide & Seek with Bea and Grandy

Hide & Seek With Bea and Grandy received great feedback on 08.04.22 from a reputable publisher based in London, New York, Shariah and Sydney saying:

‘entertaining and absorbing’

‘very well written and wonderfully illustrated throughout’

‘the lovely story engages readers with its playful tone’

‘a sense of fun and will captivate the young reader’

‘friendly characters, especially the inquisitive and adventurous Bea’

‘accessible, dynamic and engaging language’

‘imaginative and enjoyable’

‘has the potential to succeed within its genre’

The second book completed but not yet printed is: Posting A Letter with Bea and Grandy

The third book ready to go to print is: After School Fun with Bea and Grandy